Please scroll down the page to view the slideshows, supplied by AECS’s research collaborators, who co-researched the fundamentals of Quattro CCC & CPC, when they purchased Quatro LLC, from AECS-QuikPrep Ltd,
CPC & CCC SLIDESHOW:- Beginners Guide to CPC & CCC Chromatography with particular reference to Fundamental Principles of Operational Concepts and Biphasic Solvent Choice. Examples given include, process purifications of medicinal cannabinoids, unique process separation of a triple helix, anti cancer polysaccharide, Lentanin, in a mushroom extract, mono sugars, etc.
We are willing to lecture personally any of below slideshows by Teams / Zoom etc., to historic, recent or future clients, plus confidentially discuss your project / application, or discuss joint collaborations, new grant proposals.
CPC & CCC SLIDESHOW:- An advanced Introduction of the uses of Quattro CPC & Quattro CCC, with emphasis on an in depth, scientific understanding of CPC & CCC. Included are, understanding why plate height calculations for HPLC / Flash, inappropriate for CPC and CCC, as Stationary Phase Retention in CCC and CPC typically 50 to 90+%, therefore order of magnitude higher than bonded phase retention, in HPLC and Flash, bonded phases, so invalidating standard plate height calculations for HPLC columns. Also discussed are solvent selection, method development, multiple modes of usage, and the benefits of CPC and CCC.
CPC & CCC SLIDESHOW:- Advantages of Sequential CPC/CCC and Prepartive HPLC for purifying targets from complex Neem Extracts.
Plus Achieving 95+% mass balance for injection and 95+% Target Compound Purity.
Many closed-minded researchers, consider CPC and CCC competitive to HPLC and Flash. We wish to show nothing could be further from the truth. There are huge advantages of utilising the greatest strengths of each technological concept, to their best advantages.
Plus methods developed on one concept, or even same concept, but from different manufacturers, might not work on another concept, or manufacturers product. But by optimising biphasic solvent properly, for concept / product being used, could lead to far greater target compound throughput.
The Liquid-liquid Chromatography (LLC) advantages are its ability to load significant masses of extremely complex injection matrices, without the need to consider column poisoning. How…? Elution / Extrusion Mode voids injection contents, and each new injection begins with new, uncontaminated stationary phase. Disadvantage of LLC…? LLC method development strategies are unfamiliar to vast majority of chromatographers. AECS-QuikPrep will train all clients in LLC method development.
Unlike LLC method development, Solid-Liquid Chromatography (SLC, HPLC, Flash, SFC etc) methodology development, is very familiar to almost all chromatographers. SLC can through, very well-defined phase choice and eluent development methodologies, define a method rapidly and allow to be scaled from laboratory to massive process scale, by suitable specialists. But for certain samples, pre chromatography workup, required to avoid contaminating HPLC etc., column, such phase renewal is required regularly, can be very time consuming. Please note: if the target compound is a very small percent of matrix to be injected, target compound loading, will be an issue for process applications.
Mix both factors. Add the ability of simple generic LLC methodologies to screen complex samples, to the target compound and small range of similar polar / affinity compounds. Add advantages of having no chance of column poisoning of LLC column, and high mass loading.
Imagine reducing the size and cost of a large Process HPLC columns, with the need to ensure injected sample wont poison it, to one a fraction of the size and cost. How…? By injecting a LLC prepared complex matrix, which transformed to a relatively clean sample with 60 to 80 % target purity, and no SLC retained contaminants. Now consider same crude matrix with a few percent or less, target compound, that requires, at huge time & cost, suitable pre HPLC preparation.
We are the experts. Contact us to learn more information, at
Please detail injection mass per injection / per day / per year, and your needs.
CPC & CCC SLIDESHOW:- Biphasic Solvent Choice, and its importance in recognising that CPC and CCC both have different strengths, plus different weaknesses. Therefore whilst some methods, easily can be applied to both concepts, this is not always so. Please note, this same fact, also applies within different designs of CPC and CCC. We are experts in both technologies. We are the only specialist manufacturers of both CPC and CCC, in this World. Contacts us if you need advice.
Transfering methods to & from CPC & CCC sometimes possible, but not always so.
CPC & CCC SLIDESHOW:- How to Achieve Multiple Pure Compounds From a Natural Tar Like Product. A single injection of this matrix contaminated both expensive HPLC columns, and much cheaper Flash columns. After each elution / extrusion run, a fresh liquid – liquid column was ready for fully repeatable, separation. Compounds with Partition Coefficients (K) of 0.5 to 2.5 will be resolved the best. But the fractions from the complete polarity range of all injected materials, outside this K range can be further fractionated, choosing your new biphasic based on its elution profile. Alternatively use AECS’s recommended Sequential CPC/CCC to High Resolution Preparative HPLC (see above). A near mass balance for total mass injected will be obtained. Contact us to discuss at
Stressing importance of using best technology to achieve your result. Sometimes using two different concepts in series can be massively more effective than restricting yourself to one concept, being that CPC, CCC, Prep HPLC or Flash Chromatography.
We can support not only your instrumentation and methodology needs for CPC & CCC, but also utilising our decades of experience in Preparative & Process HPLC, plus Flash Chromatography.
CPC & CCC SLIDESHOWS:- Additional Research Examples, from some of AECS-QuikPrep Ltd’s clients. It will be well worth your time to read the following in depth examples from a wide variety of industries, including, Pharmaceutical, Agrochemical, Natural Products, Synthetic Products etc.
Shown below are a wide range of research examples :- Total content screening of competitor’s engine oil additives. Purification individual components in engine oil additives. Polyphenols, NEEM, Erythromycin, Pyrethrins Purity assessment, bioactivity profiling, inclusive finding previously unknown bio actives etc.
Independent University researchers prove an approximate 100% MASS BALANCE, injected material to CCC recovery, is possible, why also achieving pure targets at 95+% purity as well as 95+% recovery.
An in depth discussion on choice of biphasic solvents, comparison of linear, exotic and step gradients in LLC.
Discussion on care need when using biphasic solvents mixes, when changing the methanol solvent ratios, for DCM or Chloroform : Methanol : Aqueous biphasic, which can change aqueous phase from upper phase, to lower phase, as methanol content increases.
Quattro LLC Success using Sequential LLC & HPLC, is discussed.
An introduction to Dr Leslie Brown designed, and commercially sold, Moving Belt HPLC-FID, HPLC-MS, HPLC-MPD.

Application for bioactive phenylpropanoid & iridoid glycosides.
Variously discussed are: Gradient elution, Optimising biphasic solvent, Optimising step gradient, Results, Summary.
Pictures of historic Craig & PC Inc L-LC. are shown

CCC application for bioactive pyridine derivatives purification, and confirmation that silica based chromatography failed, which lead to the choice of Quattro CCC.
Variously discussed are: Why gradient elution chosen. Optimisation of biphasic solvent. Optimisation of step gradient, utilising one of AECS’s generic strategies. Discussion of the value of using test tube partitioning with TLC testing for partition coefficient determination. Results. Summary.

Click this LINK to view our publication in Chromatography Today, titled……. Applications of Liquid-Liquid Chromatography Instrumentation for Laboratory Preparative & Process Chemistry.
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Any questions, please contact us to discuss confidentially your needs by email or phone, so we can arrange Teams, Zoom, or Google Video Link, etc., discussions / lectures based on your choice of slideshow lectures shown above.